Chitika Insights has covered the heavily publicized launch of Google+ amidst a variety of reported statistics, some which stated that Google+ hosted a user base comprised of over 40 Million people, others which described the fledgling social network as nothing more than a ghost town. Initially, traffic on Google+ saw a rapid rate of growth, but was accompanied by a period of significant decline. Since then, Chitika Insights has been regularly keeping tabs on the condition of Google+, in order to determine the relative success of the social network.
Between the months of September to November, Google+ saw a 118% increase in overall online activity. From September to October Google+ posted the biggest growth figures (55%), followed by a growth in online activity of 41% between October and November, as seen in the graph below.

The graph above shows activity index for Google+ between September 2011 and November 2011. The highest level of activity observed receives a value of 100, and the other data points are simply a function thereof.The arrows represent the percentage increase in activity witnessed between month to month data sets, all of which were sampled in the second week of each respective month.We used a referrer distribution methodology to conduct this report. For more on the methodology see:
This level of growth may be supported by several key factors:
- Google has been successfully integrating Google+ across its wide range of services (Android, Google Apps, Search)
- Google has been heavily advertising Google+ across different channels including television spots and online placements, hoping to connect with a main-stream audience
- Google has remained dedicated to increasing the functionality and accessibility of Google+ to the public and has plans for rapid releases of new features over the course of 2012
New reports suggest there are an estimated 62 million users on the social network, and our traffic index indicates a clear rise in activity as well. However, because Google holds raw data proprietary, they will be the only source to tell us if the activity is based on active users or new user sign ups.
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Sarah V
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[…] Insights, a data analytics company and online ad network, reports Google+ experienced a “significant rise in traffic” between September, when the site officially opened to […]
[…] Insights, a data analytics company and online ad network, reports Google+ experienced a “significant rise in traffic” between September, when the site officially opened to […]
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Good signs, my stream seems quite active in fact.
[…] above graph comes from a new report from Chitika, which says traffic and user count is on the […]
[…] Traffic for Google+ on the Rise Along with User Count — Chitika Insights has covered the heavily publicized launch of Google+ amidst a variety of reported statistics, some which stated that Google+ hosted a user base comprised of over 40 Million people, others which described … LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_bg", "ffffff"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_text", "000000"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_link", "ff3333"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_border", "000000"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_url", "394651"); LD_AddCustomAttr("LangId", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Autotag", "technology"); LD_AddSlot("wpcom_below_post"); LD_GetBids(); Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Leave a Comment Leave a Comment so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URI […]
[…] jQuery("#errors*").hide(); window.location= data.themeInternalUrl; } }); } – Today, 10:23 […]
[…] En el gráfico que podéis comprobar al principio de este artículo podéis contemplar como el tráfico actual, que sería el de noviembre, dobla al que había en septiembre. Se pueden tomar diferentes lecturas de este y los otros datos recogidos en el estudio: […]
[…] En el gráfico que podéis comprobar al principio de este artículo podéis contemplar como el tráfico actual, que sería el de noviembre, dobla al que había en septiembre. Se pueden tomar diferentes lecturas de este y los otros datos recogidos en el estudio: […]
[…] Google can succeed in the fickle world of social networks, new reports from analytics firm Chitika show the service has as many as 62 million […]
[…] En el gráfico que podéis comprobar al principio de este artículo podéis contemplar como el tráfico actual, que sería el de noviembre, dobla al que había en septiembre. Se pueden tomar diferentes lecturas de este y los otros datos recogidos en el estudio: […]
I created an account early on to see what it was. Many friends have also created counts. It’s been many months. The total number of posts or really anything on there is pretty close to ZERO. No one (or very few) actually uses it once they sign up it seems.
Maybe because you are using Facebook still? While me only use Google+ and my people are around Google+. Guess why? Google+ is the future.
But that is your case, mine is pretty different.
[…] will have 293 million users by the end of 2012. In related news, analytics company Chitika is reporting online activity (such as posts and discussions) on the social network increased by 118% between September and […]
[…] will have 293 million users by the end of 2012. In related news, analytics company Chitika is reporting online activity (such as posts and discussions) on the social network increased by 118% between September and […]
[…] En el gráfico que podéis comprobar al principio de este artículo podéis contemplar como el tráfico actual, que sería el de noviembre, dobla al que había en septiembre. Se pueden tomar diferentes lecturas de este y los otros datos recogidos en el estudio: […]
[…] Google+ 还处于圈地阶段,用户还没有完全落户,但增速仍然达到 40% 以上。10 月和 11 月同比上一个月的增幅是 55% 和 41%。其中 11 […]
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[…] will have 293 million users by the end of 2012. In related news, analytics company Chitika is reporting online activity (such as posts and discussions) on the social network increased by 118% between September and […]
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[…] { right: 10px; top: 10px; }Go here now!Go here now!Click here!Contact UsContact us OnlineClick hereTraffic for Google+ on the Rise Along with User CountTraffic for Google+ on the Rise Along with User Count#split {}#single […]
[…] En el gráfico que podéis comprobar al principio de este artículo podéis contemplar como el tráfico actual, que sería el de noviembre, dobla al que había en septiembre. Se pueden tomar diferentes lecturas de este y los otros datos recogidos en el estudio: […]