Tablets have become one of the hottest and most popular new technologies among consumers over the last few years, with signs that the market will continue to grow in 2012 and beyond. eMarketer estimates the total number of tablet users to reach 89.5 million by 2014. As the demand surges, more brands are looking to enter the market, offering more exciting new features and options for consumers than ever before.
Chitika Insights conducted an impression based research study that investigates the popularity of some of the key players in the market. We analyzed the level of internet activity seen (based on number of ad impressions) by Kindle Fire, Playbook, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy, and iPad between December 30th and January 9th, using a sample of hundreds of millions of impressions from the US and Canada.

Unquestionably, Apple’s iPad continues to dominate the market with more than 15% of the mobile traffic. On the other hand, a more competitive race is going on between other players in the market. Since the traffic volume is so low for the other players compared to the iPad, we have graphed them using an index of tablet impressions per 100 iPad imps. As you can see from the graph above, Kindle Fire has a strong hold on second place in the tablet market with an average of 2.4 impressions per 100 iPad imps, which could be attributed to strong holiday sales. This continues the trend we reported on right after the holiday when Kindle Fire web traffic jumped by 122%.
The Playbook follows Kindle Fire in third place with an average of 1.8 impressions per 100 iPads imps. Recently slashed prices might have helped drive web traffic as the tablet became more attractive at a lower price point. The Xoom and Galaxy, which have very similar functionality and price points, are neck and neck, scoring 1.55 and 1.6 in our index, respectively.
Despite the iPad’s stronghold in the tablet market, other tablets are continuing to carve out and hold their own places – a trend that is continuing even past the expected gains that the holiday season brought. It has taken some time for other players to elbow their way in to the market, but with these tablets paving the way and the demand for tablets continuing to grow, perhaps the coming year will bring more opportunities for other players to enter the field and bring their own innovations to the table. Whatever 2012 brings, Chitika Insights will be there to keep an eye on the developing market and report the latest trends and changes.
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Chitika Insights was the research arm of online advertising network Chitika. Insights used Chitika's unique data to monitor and report on Internet trends - search engines, clickthrough rates, the mobile war, and more.
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[…] I got a notice that its latest report had arrived, entitled ‘iPad Still Leads Tablet Market for Web Traffic; How Does the Competition […]
[…] enriching the already colorful palette of features and options created to serve tablet owners. Chitika Insights recently conducted a study of the impressions that targeted the key players of the market, […]
Good site.
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What about the Asus Transformer and Transformer Prime – There was a ton of excitement when this tablet came out, is listed at the top of best buy’s and amazon’s best selling tablets regularly. Clearly consumers love it and it is a good tablet, but for whatever reason tech blogs, tablet comparisons, ect continue to ignore asus… I don’t get it.
You mean the one with a bunch of mediocre amazon reviews? Read the reviews, and their updates…
And I’ve never seen one of the Asus tablets in the wild, or in a store. I’ve seen the Toshiba Thrive, though. All of these tablets are stuck with older Android versions too, and after Adobe said “no more mobile Flash” most everyone I knew that was thinking of an Android tablet said “eff this” and bought an iPad 2.
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[…] Tablets have turn one of a hottest and many renouned new technologies among consumers over a final few years, with signs that a marketplace will continue to grow in 2012 and beyond.… Read a full story » This entry was posted in Uncategorized by . Bookmark the permalink. […]
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[…] 浏览 →首页快报创业公司信息图评论推荐36氪开放日 JohnTian 发表于 下午 4:54/*0){$('#t_sina_btn').html('');}});/*]]>*/ 发表评论换个角度看苹果发布会:为什么说苹果推出399美元的iPad2很重要?昨天,苹果发布了很有可能成为其公司未来发展战略最重要一环的第三代平板电脑iPad,同时对iPad2降价100美元。我们似乎有理由相信,依靠iPad在该领域的主导地位,苹果势必将继续蚕食其竞争对手的平板市场。俗话说的好,内行看门道,外行看热闹,其实关键就在于看事情的角度。那么对于刚刚发布第三代iPad的苹果发布会,换个角度,也许我们又有不一样的看法。今天,我们不看其硬件配置的升级,不看其软件多么炫乎,我们就看苹果不同寻常的对iPad2降价100美元。如果按照我们的常理来看,推出升级了的新产品,对旧产品进行降价完全顺理成章,我们绝大多数企业不都是这样做的嘛。然而在我个人印象中,苹果似乎很少对其产品进行降价处理(无具体数据,也许不准确)。那么这次为何要对16G的iPad2降价100美元呢?这里面有什么文章吗?iPad2仍然是最受市场欢迎的平板产品。根据苹果公布的2012年第一季度财报,仅仅iPad2就出售了1543万台,比上季度增长了111%。让其很容易的荣登平板电脑市场第一宝座,而且占据了绝对优势。它如此的成功,以至于如果我们将其与其它平板作一个对比,我们发现它完全就已成为这个领域的标准。上图是来自Chitika的一份研究报告中的数据,通过标题及下面的数据,我们会发现,要与iPad竞争,其它对手貌似完全不在一个数量级。即使是卖得最好的亚马逊Kindle Fire(上季度卖出了570万部),也完全与iPad不在一个数量级(2.5 vs 100)。据Chitika估计,苹果的iPad占据了整个移动设备(包括手机、平板等)网页流量的15%。如今,苹果还要对这个完全没有竞争对手的iPad2降价100美元,这意味着什么。首先,它将对Android平台平板制造商造成巨大的成本压力。目前它们已经与苹果iPad2的499美元这个入门价格挣扎着抢份额,如今其利润将更加的受到挤压。Android系中,唯一能与iPad一提的三星Galaxy 10.1其2011年整年才卖出600万部,与苹果1个月卖出的差不多。因此对于Android系平板,如今面临的竞争将不仅仅是全新配置的iPad(第三代),还有价格便宜一些但竞争力仍然很强的iPad2。因此,这个降价对于Android系平板来说,是一个很致命的打击。其次,对于Amazon那250美元的Kindle Fire以及Barnes & Noble的199美元Nook,同样将带来不小冲击。虽说这两者与iPad的市场定位不太一样,但是在很多功能上都具有同质性,再加上苹果iOS这个强大的生态系统,因此也必将给它们带来一定影响。那其他如RIM的Playbook等就更不用说了。那么现在的关键问题:用户会继续购买iPad2吗?为什么不呢?iPad2仍然具有很棒的硬件以及在大众中的巨大影响力,如今更拥有一个咄咄逼人的价格。根据Twitter上的反映,我们可以看到,在苹果宣布对iPad2进行降价100美元处理的短期时间内,Twitter上对该话题的讨论呈现爆发式发展,请看下图。人们对旧的iPad还是非常的感兴趣,而且苹果肯定会继续提供更多的优惠服务(不一定是价格),因为iPad2在其整个iPad链条中仍然占据了重要的地位。而它对制造商来说,更具有重大意义。制造商可以通过这部分的收益来扩充厂房、购买设备、培训员工以及优化管理进而降低生产成本。同时给了苹果以后与这些制造商进行讨价还价的更多筹码以及给新的iPad足够时间。同样,苹果还可以通过自己的网络商店出售大量的iPad,以减少通过经销商而损失部分利益。最后,苹果的策略对微软也是一个打击。随着微软Windows 8的推出,其自己的平板电脑也进入议事日程。拥有配置与价格优势的iPad2牢牢的将苹果的制造商、APP开发者已经经销商捆绑在一起,这对微软来说并不是一个好的消息。这一切意味着,平板电脑的供应商如三星与微软等将与苹果进行一场持久战,就像90年代出现在PC上一样。唯一不同的是规则改变了。 […]