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Surface vs Ipad For Work
Microsoft has positioned its Surface tablets as devices more fit for work activities as compared to those from other manufacturers. The question remains though, are Surface tablets actually being used in work settings more so than iPads or other tablets?
Do Apple Users Search More Than Android?
For the last decade, search engines have been internet users’ best friends, making any question that comes to mind immediately addressable with the best relevant answers. Developments in technology have made search engine results more qualified and useful, leading to a rapidly growing demand for their use. Chitika Insights decided to take a look into search traffic trends depending on the operating system.
Do Apple Users Search More Than Android?
For the last decade, search engines have been internet users’ best friends, making any question that comes to mind immediately addressable with the best relevant answers. Developments in technology have made search engine results more qualified and useful, leading to a rapidly growing demand for their use. Chitika Insights decided to take a look into search traffic trends depending on the operating system.
iPhone, iPad Users Front-runners in iOS 5 Update
Two weeks ago, Chitika Insights investigated the adoption rate of iOS 5 following the October 12th release. Using this study as our base, we wanted to further specify iOS 5 adoption, this time breaking it down across Apple’s product mix (iPhone, iPad, and iPod).
Surface vs Ipad For Work
Microsoft has positioned its Surface tablets as devices more fit for work activities as compared to those from other manufacturers. The question remains though, are Surface tablets actually being used in work settings more so than iPads or other tablets?
Which States Love the iPhone More?
Which states can afford and love the iPhone more? This study delves into the iPhone usage by state and other key findings.
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