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Tag: Updated

Hits, Mobile, Operating System, Tablets, Trending Topics

Room for Growth: Microsoft Surface Only Generates 0.13% of All Tablet Web Traffic 

Two of the biggest players in the computing space – Microsoft and Google – recently launched their most ambitious efforts yet in the tablet marketplace. Microsoft’s Surface was launched on October 26th, 2012 as the flagship tablet for Windows 8, with a more powerful Pro edition debuting in December. Google released its Nexus 10 on November 13th – a larger sibling to the company’s Nexus 7 tablet, which was recently updated from its original model unveiled earlier this year. Chitika Insights conducted a study to see which tech giant’s tablet offering is emerging as the most popular.

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Hits, Mobile, Operating System, Tablets, Trending Topics

Six-Month Study: Apple iOS Users Consume Growing Amount of Web Traffic 

With the Droid RAZR M, Samsung Galaxy S III, Kindle Fire HD and a wide variety of others, 2012 has seen the debut of a large number of new Android tablets and smartphones. Meanwhile Apple has rolled out a new version of the iPhone, two new iterations of the iPad, along with the iPad mini. Chitika Insights examined how this stream of the latest and greatest products has shifted the use of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.

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Hits, Mobile, Trending Topics

Galaxy Note II off to Hot Start on T-Mobile, Sprint 

Like the original model, the large screen of the Samsung Galaxy Note II exemplifies a new breed of hybrid devices, incorporating a 5.5 inch screen that’s only slightly smaller than a 7 inch tablet. This makes the device making capable of comfortably running some applications originally targeted for tablet users. Each major carrier is releasing a version of the Galaxy Note II at varying points this fall. Chitika Insights looked to quantify how well the Samsung Galaxy Note II is being adopted with its large screen size and staggered releases.

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