CTR Analysis: Bing vs. Google vs. Yahoo!
We at Chitika are quite fond of search engines: since all of our ads serve only to search traffic, they’re our bread and butter in the online world. So with Microsoft’s new Bing decision engine making so much noise, we thought we’d take a closer…
Months Later, Bing Users Still Ad-Crazy
What is the value to a website that runs ads of a single Bing user versus a Google or Yahoo! user? Looking at the ad clickthrough rates of traffic sent by the big 3 search providers, it appears that one Bing user is worth more to a website than one Google user. As seen in TechCrunch, Ars Technica, iMedia Connection, and more.
Local Searches Constitute 24% of Google Queries
Local businesses have always needed their advertisements to effectively target potential customers in their area. When it comes to advertising on the Web, this task is made more difficult with ads potentially reaching almost anyone in the world. One method for targeting messages to local customers is through a search engine, with the top three being Bing, Google and Yahoo! Chitika Insights looked to quantify how often each platform’s users preform local searches.
Search Engine Market Share, September 2012 Update
Chitika Insights brings you our latest Search Engine Market Share Report, breaking down the distribution of the biggest players in the industry.
Google Usage Rates Vary Across Browsers
The now ubiquitous phrase “Google it” certainly points to a clear king of the search engine marketplace, but many prefer to do their “Googling” in a variety of browsers to take advantage of certain plugins, privacy features, and other attributes. With this in mind, Chitika Insights looked to measure whether the Web browser a person uses has any impact on the search engine they use.
The Google/Bing Search Bar Brouhaha
Google accuses Bing of using IE to steal their search results. Bing accuses Google of stealing their search innovations. Now, there’s some info as to whether Google is doing what they accused Microsoft of doing, but on a smaller scale. Confused?
July Search Stats – Yahoo! Up, Bing and Google Down
Chitika Research’s July 2010 search engine market share report, including data spanning all of 2010. Of the big three search engines, only Yahoo! saw an increase in their market share, while both Bing and Google saw minor losses. As cited in Business Insider, Search Engine Land, and WebProNews
Firefox 2nd Most Influential Player in Search
Firefox appears to hold a lot of the cards in the search engine market share game. We looked at what percentage of search traffic coming into our network came from Firefox’s deal with Google – specifically, the Firefox start page and little embedded Google bar – and found that Firefox’s default search engine controls more of the search market than anyone besides Google themselves. Bidding war, begin! As seen in ReadWriteWeb
Search Market Share – Yahoo and Bing Legitimately Up Big
Despite some controversy over Yahoo!’s “gaming” the search market share numbers, according to our traffic data, both Yahoo! and Bing are legitimately growing – and fast – in 2010. As seen in Search Engine Land
Bing on iPhone – Microsoft’s Ultimate Mobile Coup?
If Apple does indeed make a deal with Microsoft that makes Bing the iPhone’s default search engine, exactly how hard would Google be hit? According to our numbers, Google would immediately lose some 27% of the smartphone market. Featured in MacWorld, ReadWriteWeb, ChannelWeb, and others.
About Chitika Insights
Chitika Insights was the research arm of online advertising network Chitika. Insights used Chitika's unique data to monitor and report on Internet trends - search engines, clickthrough rates, the mobile war, and more.
Additionally, the Chitika Insights team monitored the day's tech news closely, and provided an in-depth, data-driven commentary on the latest breaking news. Our studies and data have been featured prominently in major publications, such as The New York Times, Forbes, Barrons and about 3000+ respected publications.
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