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Tag: Updated

Browser, Trending Topics

Study: Firefox Update Strategy Pays Dividends 

On the heels of last month’s report regarding the impressive adoption rate of Firefox 12, Mozilla’s 13th iteration of its flagship browser hit the Web on June 3, a day before its official release, due to an online leak. With its past success in migrating users to new versions, the Chitika Insights team wanted to see if the adoption of the newest Firefox version would fare similarly.

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Operating System

Report: iOS 5.1.1 on More Than 12% of iOS Devices after First Week 

Here at Chitika Insights our team was interested in seeing just how adamant iOS users were in their quest for secure browsing. We combed through tens of millions of ad impressions across our network, looking for devices that were utilizing any sort of iOS based software. From there we refined our results by breaking out iOS 5.1.1 devices and took a 24-hour rolling average in order to determine usage rates. According to our network data, Apple users (being the early adopters that they are) heeded experts’ warnings. Our network started to demonstrate a spike in iOS 5.1.1 traffic around 5:00 PM EST on May 7, trending upward to a high of 12.3% of all iOS traffic by May 10. This preliminary report shows a somewhat rapid pace of adoption, a trend that should persist, given the popularity of the iPad and iPhone devices.

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Browser, Trending Topics

Research: Firefox 12 Second-Most Popular Version in First Week 

Open source icon Mozilla Firefox has grown to command a substantial level of market share within the Internet browser marketplace. Due to the free software’s unique nature as an open source project, maximizing the adoption rate of Firefox’s latest version is important in order to maintain the security of its users, while also ensuring that the software’s millions-strong user base won’t be shut out on some of the latest and greatest features available on the Web. To visualize the rate of adoption, Chitika Insights tracked how many people have switched over to the 12th version of Firefox since April 24 – covering its first week of wide release.

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Hits, Mobile, Trending Topics

Study: Apple iPad Accounts for 94.64% of all Tablet Web Traffic 

What do you think of when you hear the word “tablet”? For most it would be Apple or more specifically the iPad. When the iPad was released in 2010 it quickly gained popularity amongst the masses. Since then the market share held by Apple’s iPad has been increasing steadily. Chitika Insights conducted a research study to quantify just how much web traffic share iPad tablets are are taking up by digging into our network data.

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Hits, Operating System, Trending Topics

Study: Windows 8 Consumer Preview Usage Doubles that of Mac OS X Mountain Lion 

Chitika Insights has been following the progress of the Windows 8 launch dating back to 2011, when usage was significantly below the newly touted levels. Now that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview has had some time to gain a foothold in the market, Chitika Insights has conducted a new research study to determine its current rate of adoption in the U.S and Canada.

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