If 2011 was the year of mobile, 2012 shows no signs of slowing down. “The post-PC era has arrived,” stated a BI Intelligence analyst. Over the past year, many major smartphone manufacturers released record breaking sales figures highlighting the extent to which mobile devices have established themselves as a presence and, in some cases, necessity in our day to day lives. ComScore’s 2011 mobile report states that there are almost 100 million smartphone subscribers in the US alone.
On February 17, Chitika Insights reported a 10% decline in Windows web browser market share as seen on our network, which we believe could be related to the trend of consumers who prefer to do more of their browsing from a mobile or tablet device. Taking our study a step further, we conducted a study to measure how mobile and PC usage varies with time of day and day of week. Our data comes from a sample taken from the last week of February that includes hundreds of millions of ad impressions. Both PC and mobile usage share are plotted on the graph below as a time series, with PC share on the left axis and Mobile share on the right axis (all hours are in Eastern Standard Time).

According to our data, mobile traffic represented an average of 10.55% of all web traffic over the one week period, a growth of 34.44% over levels measured in July of 2011. PCs make up the remainder of web traffic share at 89.45%. Furthermore, we can see a clear periodicity in usage, with PC and mobile traffic peaking at about the same time each day.
Breaking down mobile and PC web traffic patterns by the hour reveals further interesting behavioral patterns. Web traffic from mobile devices sees a sharp drop off overnight, and then gradually grows over waking hours in the US, finally peaking at the end of the EST day, generally around 8-10pm. We saw an 18.33% share of mobile web use at the highest point in our study. PC web usage plays a distinct counterpart to its mobile partner – maxing out in an almost opposite time frame in the early hours of the morning, and at the most extreme making up almost 95% of all web use.

Another way to look at the data from this study is to blend the results for each day together, showing only variation by hour, as shown above (again, PC share is on the left axis, Mobile on the right). The graph reveals that PC web usage experiences the highest share of overall web traffic in the early hours of the morning (3-5AM), perhaps influenced by night-owls surfing the web. Mobile web use can be shown to slowly pick up steam throughout the day from its 5AM low to its peak closer towards the end of the day and dropping off at around midnight.
This data illustrates clear intervals in which shifts in consumer behavior can lead to changes in the methods and forms of access used to gain information and connect with the outside world. Tablets and smartphones which now proliferate both work and home have emerged as more fluid alternatives for web based activities such as checking e-mail or monitoring bank statements. In the context of the work day, people may turn to their mobile devices as a method of accessing the web as the day progresses, causing the portion of overall web use from mobile devices to rise. For publishers, advertisers, and businesses with a mobile audience this information only becomes more pertinent as mobile devices establish their foothold as a real player in the world of advertising and e-commerce.
For publishers and advertisers, this data can be extremely valuable in fine tuning advertising strategies to match traffic composition and the time of day in order to optimize their revenues. Stay tuned to future Chitika Insights studies covering the mobile and PC space and how it influences and interacts with the tech world.
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Sarah V
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Chitika Insights was the research arm of online advertising network Chitika. Insights used Chitika's unique data to monitor and report on Internet trends - search engines, clickthrough rates, the mobile war, and more.
Additionally, the Chitika Insights team monitored the day's tech news closely, and provided an in-depth, data-driven commentary on the latest breaking news. Our studies and data have been featured prominently in major publications, such as The New York Times, Forbes, Barrons and about 3000+ respected publications.
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[…] to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% […]
[…] to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July 2011. The data analytics company found […]
[…] to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July 2011. The data analytics company found […]
[…] to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July 2011. The data analytics company found […]
[…] web traffic spikes 35% in a year, underlines the smartphone revolution March 2, 2012According to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July 2011. The data analytics company found […]
[…] to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July 2011. The data analytics company found […]
[…] to a report by Chitika, mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July 2011. The data analytics company found […]
[…] present in the US alone. Similarly, a research analysis firm–Chitika–has reportedly stated that Windows web browser market share has declined by 10% since August 2011 due to extensive […]
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[…] 浏览 →首页快报创业公司信息图评论推荐36氪开放日 JohnTian 发表于 上午 11:08/*0){$('#t_sina_btn').html('');}});/*]]>*/ 发表评论手机页面流量一年内激增35%,预示智能手机革命来临?广告数据研究机构Chitika最新报告透露,从去年7月份以来,手机网页流量已经激增35%,占据了整个网页流量的10.55%。这份数据显示,我们正持续快速的向智能手机和平板电脑时代迈进。但是我们也应该看到,要说完全进入“后-PC”时代还为时尚早,因为来自PC的网页流量仍然控制着整个网页流量的89.45%。如果将移动设备和PC的使用时间做对比,我们发现两者之间呈现一种负相关态势,也即在移动设备越来越受到青睐的同时,PC越来越沦为人们的第二选择或者备用选项。从下图可以看到,设备的平均使用时间揭示了某些有趣的行为模式,在早上8点至10点之间,来自移动设备的流量占据了总流量的20%。来自这份报告的说明:这份数据清晰的揭示了消费行为的改变正引领人们与外界互动以及获取信息方式的变革。无论在家还是工作,平板电脑与智能手机在很多方面正成为人们的首要选择。工作期间,人们越来越倾向于通过平板或智能手机访问页面以获取相关信息,导致这一块占据总体流量的份额越来越大。到目前为止,移动设备(智能手机、平板设备)的使用正快速增长,而且该趋势似乎没有停止的迹象。我们有理由相信,移动设备将在我们的生活与工作中扮演越来越重要的角色,也许它不开启革命,但是必将开启变革。 […]
[…] 广告数据研究机构Chitika最新报告透露,从去年7月份以来,手机网页流量已经激增35%,占据了整个网页流量的10.55%。这份数据显示,我们正持续快速的向智能手机和平板电脑时代迈进。但是我们也应该看到,要说完全进入“后-PC”时代还为时尚早,因为来自PC的网页流量仍然控制着整个网页流量的89.45%。如果将移动设备和PC的使用时间做对比,我们发现两者之间呈现一种负相关态势,也即在移动设备越来越受到青睐的同时,PC越来越沦为人们的第二选择或者备用选项。 […]
thanks for share, I agree withyou
[…] purpose. This is the main reason why web traffic through mobile has increased 35% within a year. According to a report by Chitika, since July 2011, web traffic is on an upward trend. During the last week of […]
[…] to a a recent report mobile web traffic has risen as much as 35% since July […]
[…] 广告数据研究机构Chitika最新报告透露,从去年7月份以来,手机网页流量已经激增35%,占据了整个网页流量的10.55%。这份数据显示,我们正持续快速的向智能手机和平板电脑时代迈进。但是我们也应该看到,要说完全进入“后-PC”时代还为时尚早,因为来自PC的网页流量仍然控制着整个网页流量的89.45%。如果将移动设备和PC的使用时间做对比,我们发现两者之间呈现一种负相关态势,也即在移动设备越来越受到青睐的同时,PC越来越沦为人们的第二选择或者备用选项。 […]
[…] 广告数据研究机构Chitika最新报告透露,从去年7月份以来,手机网页流量已经激增35%,占据了整个网页流量的10.55%。这份数据显示,我们正持续快速的向智能手机和平板电脑时代迈进。但是我们也应该看到,要说完全进入“后-PC”时代还为时尚早,因为来自PC的网页流量仍然控制着整个网页流量的89.45%。如果将移动设备和PC的使用时间做对比,我们发现两者之间呈现一种负相关态势,也即在移动设备越来越受到青睐的同时,PC越来越沦为人们的第二选择或者备用选项。 […]
[…] 广告数据研究机构Chitika最新报告透露,从去年7月份以来,手机网页流量已经激增35%,占据了整个网页流量的10.55%。这份数据显示,我们正持续快速的向智能手机和平板电脑时代迈进。但是我们也应该看到,要说完全进入“后-PC”时代还为时尚早,因为来自PC的网页流量仍然控制着整个网页流量的89.45%。如果将移动设备和PC的使用时间做对比,我们发现两者之间呈现一种负相关态势,也即在移动设备越来越受到青睐的同时,PC越来越沦为人们的第二选择或者备用选项。 […]
[…] 手机页面流量一年内激增35%,预示智能手机革命来临? admin 发表于 2012-3-23 分类 业界动态 | 发表评论 广告数据研究机构Chitika最新报告透露,从去年7月份以来,手机网页流量已经激增35%,占据了整个网页流量的10.55%。这份数据显示,我们正持续快速的向智能手机和平板电脑时代迈进。但是我们也应该看到,要说完全进入“后-PC”时代还为时尚早,因为来自PC的网页流量仍然控制着整个网页流量的89.45%。如果将移动设备和PC的使用时间做对比,我们发现两者之间呈现一种负相关态势,也即在移动设备越来越受到青睐的同时,PC越来越沦为人们的第二选择或者备用选项。 […]
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[…] imperative to have a mobile optimized version. Why? Mobile device use is growing at a crazy rate; 35% growth in less than a year, in fact. More people are joining the smartphone/tablet army and more people are taking to the […]
[…] imperative to have a mobile optimized version. Why? Mobile device use is growing at a crazy rate; 35% growth in less than a year, in fact. More people are joining the smartphone/tablet army and more people are taking to the […]
[…] slowing down. As of March 2012, mobile traffic has already seen a 35% increase in under a year, as stated in this previous Chitika Insights study. The Pew Center for Research reports that smartphones now make up a majority (53%) of mobile […]
[…] pace worldwide. Earlier, Chitika Insights Study reported that mobile traffic increased by 35% until March 2012, within a year period. According to a recent report, majority of users (53%) are […]
[…] slowing down. As of March 2012, mobile traffic has already seen a 35% increase in under a year, as stated in a previous Chitika Insights study. The Pew Center for Research reports that smartphones now make up a majority (53%) of mobile […]
[…] slowing down. As of March 2012, mobile traffic has already seen a 35% increase in under a year, as stated in a previous Chitika Insights study. The Pew Center for Research reports that smartphones now make up a majority (53%) of mobile […]
[…] Chrome’s traffic share tends to fluctuate daily. Its current prime usage hours occur between 7 AM and 10 AM where it peaks at around a 2% share, but then slide back down later in the day. This indicates a high degree of morning use and can be correlated with consumer behavioral patterns in mobile usage […]
[…] Chrome’s traffic share tends to fluctuate daily. Its current prime usage hours occur between 7 AM and 10 AM where it peaks at around a 2% share, but then slide back down later in the day. This indicates a high degree of morning use and can be correlated with consumer behavioral patterns in mobile usage […]
[…] Chrome’s traffic share tends to fluctuate daily. Its current prime usage hours occur between 7 AM and 10 AM when it peaks at around a 2% share, but then it slides back down later in the day. This indicates a high degree of morning use and can be correlated with consumer behavioral patterns in mobile usage. […]
[…] Chrome’s traffic share tends to fluctuate daily. Its current prime usage hours occur between 7 AM and 10 AM when it peaks at around a 2% share, but then it slides back down later in the day. This indicates a high degree of morning use and can be correlated with consumer behavioral patterns in mobile usage. […]