To see what percentage of iPads within the Chitika network are “The new iPad”, Chitika Insights performed an analysis of the unique impressions seen originating from an iPad and determined the share of these impressions represented by “The new iPad” by analyzing the user agent and the device’s pixel density. The following paragraphs detail the methodology behind The new iPad Tracker coming out of Chitika Insights.
Determination: An impression can be determined as an iPad through an analysis of the user agent. All iPad user agents pass a string similar to this:
Mozilla/5.0(iPad; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B314 Safari/531.21.10
Origin:Using geo-location technology, we can also determine the origin of the impression. We base this geo-location on the assumption that the majority of iPad usage is done on local networks, like homes, Wi Fi hotspots, and work places.
Pixel Density:From here, we look at the pixel density within the impression. While “the new iPad” has a 2048×1536 screen resolution, the old ones have a resolution of 1024×768. Despite their true difference in resolution, both the original and new iPad report a 1024×768 in our log. However, the pixel density is doubled on the new iPad compared to the older versions (and we can detect this difference). Versions with this pixel density will be counted as “the new iPad”; otherwise, it will be counted as an older version.
Pie Chart:The percentage reported in the pie chart represents a rolling twenty four hour average of iPad traffic. The percentages are simply the count of each particular group (iPad 1&2, “The new iPad”) divided by a total count of all iPad traffic observed.
Line Chart:The line chart highlights adoption rate by hour. For each hour, the methodology is the same as in the pie chart, except shown in a time series. For example, if “The new iPad” impressions made up 5% of all iPad impressions on March 17th at midnight, and 6% at March 18th at midnight, the chart would highlight this growth (and show all of the hours in between).
State-by-State: Finally, adoption rate by state highlights what percentage of iPad traffic within the state originates from “The new iPad”. Aggregating on each individual state, we do a simple count of all iPad impressions within the state, for the same one hour time period specified in the pie chart, and use this as a divisor for a simple count of “The new iPad” impressions. For example, if state XYZ has 100,000 iPad impressions in the last hour, 2,000 of which originate from the “The new iPad”, then state XYZ would have an adoption rate of 2%.
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Sarah V
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Chitika Insights was the research arm of online advertising network Chitika. Insights used Chitika's unique data to monitor and report on Internet trends - search engines, clickthrough rates, the mobile war, and more.
Additionally, the Chitika Insights team monitored the day's tech news closely, and provided an in-depth, data-driven commentary on the latest breaking news. Our studies and data have been featured prominently in major publications, such as The New York Times, Forbes, Barrons and about 3000+ respected publications.
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[…] 4 Poses for Pictures Alongside DROID XYBoard, Blur Enters the Tablet Game – Droid LifeThe new iPad Tracker MethodologyRumor: Verizon Droid Eris to get a software update on July 16th?Twice as nice: Nokia X1-01 and Nokia […]
[…] company Chitika has reported that they are seeing the new iPad take about 5% of the the total iPad traffic on the […]
[…] network explains its methodology in gathering the numbers here. Basically it identifies the new iPads through the use of their ‘user agent’ that pass long a […]
[…] ad network explains how they come up with the numbers, but in short they track the new iPad’s growth in 12-hour […]
[…] network explains its methodology in gathering the numbers here. Basically it identifies the new iPads through the use of their ‘user agent’ that pass long a […]
How does this compare with the penetration of IPad 2 after launch?
[…] company Chitika has reported that they are seeing the new iPad take about 5% of the the total iPad traffic on the […]
[…] network explains its methodology in gathering the numbers here. Basically it identifies the new iPads through the use of their ‘user agent’ that pass […]
[…] network explains its methodology in gathering the numbers here. Basically it identifies the new iPads through the use of their ‘user agent’ that pass long a […]
[…] Internet traffic tracked on Apple tablets in the US, underlining its rapid adoption.Chitika Insight analyzes unique impressions seen originating from an iPad by analyzing the user agent and the device’s […]
[…] förklarar hur de har lyckats få till siffrorna men i korta drag har de registrerat enheter som visat deras […]
[…] percentage of iPad impressions over the past 12 hours based just in the United States. Chitika is able to pick out the new iPad from its two predecessors by analyzing the user agent string and the tablet‘s pixel […]
[…] around a million new iPad’s in it’s opening weekend which is unbelievable. Chitika explains how they came up with these numbers, but in short they monitor the new iPad’s growth in 12 […]
[…] more information how how Chitika gathers their data, head on over to the Chitika Insights page on the tracker. […]
[…] accounting for about 5 percent of the total iPad web traffic. According to advertising group Chitika, of all the iPads that are being used to browse the Internet, 5 percent are the new iPad. […]
[…] accounting for about 5 percent of the total iPad web traffic. According to advertising group Chitika, of all the iPads that are being used to browse the Internet, 5 percent are the new iPad. […]
[…] accounting for about 5 percent of the total iPad web traffic. According to advertising group Chitika, of all the iPads that are being used to browse the Internet, 5 percent are the new iPad. […]
[…] accounting for about 5 percent of the total iPad web traffic. According to advertising group Chitika, of all the iPads that are being used to browse the Internet, 5 percent are the new iPad. […]
[…] accounting for about 5 percent of the total iPad web traffic. According to advertising group Chitika, of all the iPads that are being used to browse the Internet, 5 percent are the new iPad. […]
[…] a commission of iPad impressions over a past 12 hours formed only in a United States. Chitika is able to collect out a new iPad from a dual predecessors by examining a user representative fibre and the tablet‘s pixel […]
[…] [via Chitika] […]
[…] [via Chitika] […]
[…] [via Chitika] […]
Please see the post above; this one was a mistake and I can’t delete it 🙂
This is a cool app showing new iPad sales vs. iPad 1 & iPad 2 sales, but how did these iPads do when they were first sold? What were their respective growth rates? A little bit of history would be nice to compare the new iPad to.
[…] Source: Chitika __spr_config = { pid: '4e824735396cef233500007a', title: 'New iPad Already Grabs 5 Percent Of U.S. iPad Traffic', ckw: 'Apple,California,Chitika,Connecticut,Internet traffic,IPad,New IPad,United States,User agent', chan: 'apple,ios,news,research,tablets', offset: '30', no_slide: '', slide_logo: false, pub: '2012-03-21 08:51:11', url: '', header: 'RECOMMENDED FOR YOU' }; var content = document.getElementById('simplereach-slide-tag').parentNode, loc; if (content.className){ loc = '.' + content.className; } if ({ loc = '#' +; } __spr_config.loc = loc || content; (function(){ var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; __spr_config.css = '' var tg = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!tg) {tg = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];} if (tg) {tg.appendChild(s);} })(); […]
[…] se os números apresentados pela Apple não chegassem, os analistas da Chitika têm uma ferramenta bastante interessante que nos ajuda a descobrir a taxa de adopção do novo […]
I like your work but You might have more credibility if you use the correct logo for Apple. They haven’t used the six color apple in perhaps 12-15 years.
We appreciate your feedback, we’ve made that change. Interesting how they have gone back to a similar color scheme as was used many years ago! Thanks Juanm
[…] point today it was just a shade under 10%. An explanation of what they’ve done can be found here. I believe that increasing iPad sales, bolstered by sales of the iPad 3 along with a bump that will […]
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[…] short answer is: mostly coastal states. In its Chitika Insights report, the company says it combined its own data showing new iPad activations — which currently […]
[…] short answer is: mostly coastal states. In its Chitika Insights report, the company says it combined its own data showing new iPad activations — which currently […]
[…] to a Chitika Insights report, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Washington D.C., and Washington state have had the most iPad 2012 […]
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