Every now and then, we update our policies to improve our publisher experience and to prepare for future changes to the products and services we offer.

We have made some new changes to our payments system based on feedback we have received from you, our valued publisher network. We know how important payments are to you (PS: We have track record of 70 consecutive months of on time payments) we are now updating our system to get payments to you even faster through verified PayPal accounts.

How does verification benefit me?

Verification allows you to lift your sending limit on your PayPal account and withdraw money from it. PayPal encourages members to become Verified to increase trust and safety in our community.

To ensure your payments go out on time, please read the following instructions below to verify your PayPal account and confirm it within your payment settings with Chitika.
1. Verify your PayPal account. You can find step by step instructions here.
2. Once verified you will need to enter the first name, last name, and PayPal address into the payment settings page of your account. This allows our systems to make sure your account is ready to receive payments.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or check out some of these helpful articles below.

What do I need to do to get paid?

Chitika Payment Method

How does the Chitika Payment Process work?

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